To confront an oil rig to an colony of ants is a astute yet easy comparison. As an ant colony there are distinct offshore jobs and functions that require to be handled by professionals.
Oil rig proffesions
An oil rig is going to employ a volume of distinct experts in areas such as management, safety, production and even catering. The amount of offshore jobs aboard an oil rig are nearly too many to count. Craftsmen like welders, mechanics and electricians are what most of the people would suppose the board of an oil rig. Though, there are also engineers, scientists, and even medical professionals as well. All the substructions of an oil rig job along to make a self-sufficient society.
Unemployment is a very big problem concerning the US today and jobs on oil rigs are a part of the solving to this problem. An oil rig needs workers from any areas of professions. The amount of people needed to build and support an offshore oil rig is stunning. Offshore drilling industry can be problematic in many sectors of the Unated States, but one thing is irrefutable – offshore oil rigs suuport jobs. Importantly enough, lots of the jobs on oil rigs need no previous work experience. Cooks, laundry attends, maids and even porters are usually beginning out on their first job on oil rigs. In other words, lots people have the chance to show value and worth by working hard and showing their talent in their respected stances. By starting at the bottom of the hierarchy and hard working, an oil rig worker may rise via the ranks achieving steady and fulfilling careers with a really good salary. But the question is still remaining, how do offshore oil rigs secure a model of self-sufficiency and overall sustainability?
The Future Model of an Offshore Oil Rig
Oil rigs basic function is to generate energy. It’s a fact that the US need to import a generality of its oil from the international markets. This leaves the US unsafe to ever fluctuating international economic terms. When the oil manufacturers raised the prices of the oil in the 1970s it left the US with an oil and gas shortage that began the debate on the idea of oil self-sufficiency. Appropriately for the United States to become self-sufficient it requires to invest in the construction and
supportage of oil rigs. The offshore oil rig, that generates its own power, is the ideal model for the United States. Nearly everything an oil rig requires it can make. Clearly, an oil rig needs energy to power its own infrastructure. The oil that a rig makes is enough not only for the individual offshore oil rigs, but there is a enormous volume of surplus energy which is going to be used by the average american. Critics can claim about the environmental impact of an oil rig, but the basic reason those arguments rise is when there is an unfortunate disaster. There is no any doubt that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been a disaster, but it does not have to affect the whole offshore oil rig industry. The reason that the Deepwater Horizon spill need close down all its offshore oil drilling is ridiculous. It has been an accident and of course a parody, though, the closing of offshore drilling is going to be even more catastrophic for the offshore oil rig industries.