Oil Industry
Offshore drilling is a mechanical process that includes drilling of the well-bore under the ocean floor. Usually it is performed in order to explore the rock formations below the seabed for petroleum and for its extraction afterwards.
The drilling operations are carried out from various types of facilities. Such drilling facilities are the bottom founded drilling rigs (jack up barges and swamp barges), combined drilling and production facilities, which can be bottom founded or floating platforms. Another type facility used for drilling are the deep-water mobile offshore drilling units (MODU), which are two categories – semi-submersibles and drill-ships.

Kinds Of Oil Drilling Rigs
Getting to know oil drilling is essential for you to get a job in the sector so it is important that you know the basics at least. There are a few kinds of oil drilling rigs that are designed for working in an array of locations, in different environments and on certain kinds of wells: Platforms can’t be moved, they are immobile. They are typically build out of steel or cement and are… Continue reading »

Top 10 Oil and Gas Industry Cyber Security Threats
With the exploitation of cost-effective brand new operational concepts, increased dependence on cyber structures and use of digital technologies, oil and gas industry is currently exposed to new sets of threats, DNV GL wrote in an article identifying the largest cyber security threats to industry. According to the operator, Cyber-attacks have grown in sophistication and size, making them more difficult to defend against, and costing firms increasing sums of money to… Continue reading »

Mega Oil Deals for United States in 2016
This year, oil’s messy calculation is inviting a United States mega-deal. Governments and companies are currently modifying their capital strategies amid the lurch down in crude prices. In case these conditions persist, things such as Royal Dutch Shell’s takeover of BG, valued originally at $70 bill, should look more appealing. Anadarko and Occidental Petroleum are two companies that are able to make tempting targets. The 18-month rout in oil persisted,… Continue reading »

Cutting-Edge Material Absorbs Its Own Weight in 33 Times
Scientists in Australia created an amazing new material which could prove vital in cases of future ecological disasters like the 2010 BP oil spill. Since experts call future oil spills ‘unavoidable’, such a new invention could not have come soon enough. The new material is named a boron nitride nanosheet. It acts like a sponge. Scientist Dr.Weiwei Lei from Deakins University’s IFM (Institute for Frontier Materials) said that the nanosheet was… Continue reading »

Russia Launches Own Crude Benchmark
According to an official from SPIMEX (St.Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange), Russia wants to see its own domestic oil blends compete with WTI and Brent as primary global crude benchmarks. SPIMEX advisor Segey Kvartalnov said their goal was to take a place among major indicators. The pricing for most of their oil exports, which as well determined their budget, was currently in the hands of their partners. He added that it was… Continue reading »

North Korea – Next Energy Superpower?
North Korea has struggled to feed its people in recent years, not to mention sustain its energy needs. With reports emerging of the hardline Communist state’s potential gas and oil resources, South Korea and other United States allies in the region may face a far more capable military oponent. Exploration consultant Mike Rego, writing in petroleum geoscience publication GEOExPro, suggested that the secretive Asian state offered “good hydrocarbon potential, both… Continue reading »

Video: Capture Gas Plant Explosion
Watch this exclusive footage sent from an eye witness to the Ramsey Gas Plant explosion in Reeves County TX, December 3, 2015. The explosion injured two workers. An early evacuation of the plant saved countless lives. The cause of the explosion was not expected to be released before the OSHA Investigation was concluded, a process taking up to 6 months. (OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is the main federal… Continue reading »

How Much Oil Does Islamic State Have and Who Buys it?
Islamic State (Isis) is believed to receive $50 million (£33 million) per month from selling crude oil from numerous wells it controls in Syria and Iraq, with smugglers exploiting routes in Turkey and beyond which were first carved out during the United States sanctions on Saddam Hussein’s regime. It is believed that oil sales remained the largest single source of income for the group and a key reason it had… Continue reading »

America’s Largest Gas Field Dies to Downturn
The drilling rigs are now gone from the hills surrounding the Pennsylvania town (30,000 ). All bars and hotels are quieter, no longer packed with workers who flocked in to America’s newest and largest gas field. The drilling boom during the past years is over, though thousands of still existing wells in Marcellus region produce a fifth of United States natural gas supply. Exclusive data available to Reuters pointed to a slump… Continue reading »

Scientists Drill Beneath Crust of Earth For First Time
We have never drilled into the mantle located beneath Earth’s crust. In December 2015, however, scientists were hoping to change all that. A drilling ship named the JOIDES Resolution (Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling) was sent to the Atlantis Bank on South West Indian Ridge of Indian Ocean. There, the ship will try to drill 0.9 miles (1.5 km) into Earth’s crust in a campaign famous as SloMo… Continue reading »

Challenges for Oil Industry in 2016
In its DW report, the energy intelligence group Douglas-Westwood said that in 2015 spending and headcounts had been slashed across industry and the spectre of bankruptcy was an “all too common concern”. Commodity prices’ recent trends had not helped, DW noted. December 2015 saw Moody’s downgrade its 2016 price forecast by 17% and a further sag in the price of oil – Brent falling to its lowest levels since 2004…. Continue reading »

Oil Falls Below $35 on Rising Stocks
For the first time since 2004, oil prices slided below $35 per barrel on January 6, 2016 tumbling over 5% as the row between Iran and Saudi Arabia made any cooperation between the major oil exporters on cutting output more unlikely. A sharp growth in gasoline stocks in the US reinforced the image of a market which is flooded with oil and refined products. The international anger over the execution of a… Continue reading »

Gas and Oil Industry Suffers from Lack of Skilled Professionals: DNV GL’s Research
Senior gas and oil rig companies in the industry have revealed in a report that a deficit for skilled gas and oil rig job workers is going to be the biggest obstacle to the business growth this year. Here is an extract of the “Chanlenging Climates” report released by DNV GL: Decreasing number of gas and oil rig professionals has topped the offshore oil rig job leaders’ list of professional… Continue reading »

The Offshore Oil Rig Industry
The offshore oil rigs industry is right now booming, with lots of offshore oil rig jobs needed to crew members the new drilling offshore oil rigs. Top economists project the oil boom to last the next fourteen to twenty years that is likely going to lead to offshore oil rig jobs outstripping financial and IT jobs. While a lot of people are puzzled about how to get started on offshore… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Companies Offshore
There are more than 5000 oil rig and gas platform companies all over the world. One of the best ways for getting an oil rig job is using an online service, which is able to send your CV to most of the biggest oil rig companies in the drilling industry. The companies in the oil rig industry may be situated in many divers places throughout the world.There are oil regions… Continue reading »

Offshore Oil Rig
To confront an oil rig to an colony of ants is a astute yet easy comparison. As an ant colony there are distinct offshore jobs and functions that require to be handled by professionals. Oil rig proffesions An oil rig is going to employ a volume of distinct experts in areas such as management, safety, production and even catering. The amount of offshore jobs aboard an oil rig are nearly… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Companies
The list of oil rig companies may include thousands of names. The list of Offshore Oil Rig Companies alone consists of more than 5,000 companies worldwide. The oil and gas companies operate in many regions, with numerous fields of operation in each one. The list of biggest big oil rig companies naturally starts with British Petrolium (BP), Shell, Exxon-Mobile, Chevron, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Cenergy, BHP Billiton, Bechtel, SGF GlobalWeatherford, Terra… Continue reading »