How to get a job?
Before filing your job application form, you should consider what you want out of your career, if working in a rotational position fits with you, because to be hired for work on a oil-rig means an offshore practical work in two-weeks intervals.
When you apply, be sure that your application is for the job that fits to your skills and interests. It is advisable to send one job application form for the right position, than sending many for the wrong ones.
In case you don`t know which position would best match your qualification, you can check some of the articles in this website. At the moment there is а boom in personnel hiring in the offshore oil-rig industry. Be sure in your choice, so your work on an oil-rig platform to be pleasant and beneficial.
How to get a job on oil rig?
Oil rig jobs are completely different compared to jobs on dry land. Expect being airlifted by helicopter to a designated drilling rig, putting on working gear and beginning a 12-hour shift. But believe it or not, a job on an oil rig no longer involves pulling thundering machinery in oil-soaked clothes. Most oil and gas jobs today centre on automated operations. All heavy machinery is monitored and controlled remotely by… Continue reading »

What are the needed qualifications to work on oil rigs?
The range of jobs on offshore oil rigs, trained and professional, are vast. We would say that electrical, mechanical or engineering types of certificates (offshore oil rig jobs), diplomas and degrees justify most of the positions on offshore oil rigs. These would cover jobs like: oil rig managers and supervisors, oil rig mechanical and electrical engineers, drillers, tool-pushers and roughnecks, fitters, welders and boilermakers, mechanical maintenance staff, riggers, oil rig… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Jobs – Life Conditions and Opportunities
Life and work conditions on the board of offshore oil rigs are heavy and strict. Everyone who wants to apply for a job on oil rig wonders how must be like to live in such environment. Indeed, the extreme isolation of so specific a place, the presence of such hostile surroundings as it is the open ocean and the cold or very hot weather leave nobody passionless. It should be… Continue reading »

Jobs on cruise ships with no experience
If you are reading this article, may be you have wondered what it is to work on a cruise ship. Hope there is no one who would not want to see exotic lands and meet interesting people from all over the world- together with working in vacation land. Two are the categories of ship workers: staff and crew members. Crew members Crew members are the bartenders, waiters, cooks, busboys, housekeeping, maintenance…. Continue reading »

No Need of Experience for Oil Rig Jobs
In the past days it was believed to be impossible to get an oil rig job, but those days are already gone. Oil and gas jobs are up for grabs, and you do not need experience to find one. Those people that work on oil rigs are affectionately known as a “rousty” by their peers, and even when starting a new job on the oil rigs with no previous experience, it… Continue reading »

Find an Oil Rig Job with no Experience
There are many ways of getting started in this industry. We can call these internship oil rig jobs. They are the places people start to build into a long term career. The skills you currently have? Most of you might be looking for offshore oil rig jobs. If you have worked in food prep, electrical, mechanical repair, painting, scaffolding, mariner positions, or welding…then you will already have any kind of experience that will… Continue reading »

Offshore Oil Rig Job Vacancies
The great number of offshore oil rig job vacancies in the oil-gas industry offers great employment opportunities each month. The number of offshore jobs vacancies is following the trends of oil product prices. The oil drilling activity is increasing each year as well, offering a good trend for plenty of entry level jobs. The offshore vacancies are mainly for roughneck and roustabout jobs. The offshore job pays are actually for 6 months… Continue reading »