Job Descriptions
Basic information about different job positions on oil rig platforms

Crane Operator
A crane operator holds responsibility for safely operating the crane at all times. He is also responsible for supervising the crane operator assistant as well as the roustabouts. Usually the said assistant crane operator is a normal worker who has managed to advance from entry level roustabout and has completed the necessary on-site training course and has proved to be qualified enough to operate the crane. Due to the fact… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Mudlogger
A mudlogger is also known as a logging geologist, a mudlogging geologist and a mudlogging technician. Mudlogging technicians are responsible for determining hydrocarbon positions with respect do depth, identifying downhole lithology, monitoring natural gas entering the drilling mud stream and drawing well logs for the purposes of oil company geologists. A muddloger will have to sample and analyze rock cuttings circulated to the surface of the drilling mud. He is… Continue reading »

Offshore Oil Rig Electrician
A rig electrician must maintain and troubleshoot the electrical systems of a rig’s motors and engines and other various heavy-duty drilling machines. He will also work on electrical distribution and transmission equipment. Industrial electricians are in a high demand when it comes to oil drilling operations. Expectations for a successful candidate for the entry level electrician position on an oil drilling platform are for him to have a vast amount… Continue reading »

Toolpusher Job
A toolpusher, often referred to only as pusher, serves as a drilling crew’s foreman at an oil rig or at any other extraction site. Given his supervisory role, the toolpusher holds responsibility for the drillers, but is tasked with performing mainly administrative procedures like ordering and maintaining the equipment and material base. The toolpusher is to arrange for the different tools and equipment needed for a specific job. One must… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Pumper
A team is appointed to assemble the rig and to respectively tear equipment down. Monitoring operations are usually carried out via the use of a computer control panel, and the pumper is responsible for watching if the oil, or extracted material in question, is being pumped at the desired pressure, rate and density. Any potential pipe blockages are to be identified and subsequently repaired in a quick fashion. Route equipment… Continue reading »

Oil Driller Job – Basic Information
The majority of oil rigs usually have 2 or 3 crews that consist of a few people conducting different kinds of jobs. Basically, the driller is responsible for supervising every single crew while he himself is supervised by the rig manager or toolpusher. His responsibilities are in a way like those of the rig manager: carry out all procedures in a safe and efficient manner while managing to be in accordance with government and… Continue reading »

Oil Derrickhand Jobs – Basic Information
Oil Derrickhand Jobs Usually, a derrickhand on an oil rig is responsible for handling the drilling string’s uppermost section as the drilling string is being brought up from or lowered down into the drill hole or the wellbore. The process in question is labeled as “tripping” and it is carried out on a rather frequent basis in order for bits to be replaced or for broken equipment to be retrieved from… Continue reading »

Rig Manager Job – Basic Information
A rig manager, who you also may hear being referred to as a Toolpusher , basically is tasked with supervising the oil rig’s staff and all drill-related activities and equipment. A rig manager is to be used as an example of leadership, is to define safety training procedures and is to resolve disputes and provide his help when dealing with personnel and operational problems. As with most sectors, it is quite common… Continue reading »

Motorman Job – Basic Information
Oil Motorhand or Motorman Job As you’ve already probably assumed judging by the job title, an oil rig motorman (or motorhand) main responsibilities center around keeping the engines, responsible for powering the drilling equipment and a large portion of the other equipment, operating smoothly. Engines are for example employed for lifting drilling pipe, turning the rotary table that turns the drill bit and for the purposes of mixing and circulating fluids such as… Continue reading »

Oil Rig Roughneck Job – Basic Information
Typically, when talking about oil rig jobs people divide them into three primary categories. One of them being the drill crew with oil rig roughneck being a job title within the said crew. There are usually five workers in a drill crew, who are all tasked with performing different jobs. The job of oil rig roughneck is considered as being an entry-level position but is still among the most important jobs on a… Continue reading »

Top oil rig positions – offshore jobs
Everyone has heard many good news about offshore oil rig jobs. The oil rig positions are considered to be consistently safe, secure and pay really well, especially for oil rig job workers without any experience and top oil rig job vacancies. This means when you’re offered an offshore oil rig job you must seriously consider one of them. Wait a minute, what’s meant by one of them? Isn’t ‘job’ a… Continue reading »

Principal Pipeline Engineer in Brisbane
Perfect package and career opportunity. On shore & Off shore programs in Australia and overseas (no travel required) with very exciting opportunity with global Oil & Gas consultancy An opportunity has arisen for a Principal Pipeline Engineer in Brisbane, Australia with a leading international consultancy.This company is a global leader that is specialising in conception to detailed design of Oil & Gas programs. You are going to be responsible for… Continue reading »

Rig Mechanic on an oil rig platform – a typical description of the job
Job Description: The oil rig mechanic performs daily prophylactic support checks to assure equipment is running within proper limitations Troubleshoot mechanical failure for root-cause and repairas required Caterpillar 3500 series engines and power generators Hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms Electrical and electronic systems and technologies Specific equipment for the oil rigs (draw-works, top drives, mud pumps, moving systems, etc.) Document all work which is performed on work orders and entry into… Continue reading »

Mud Engineer Oil Rig Job
Mude Engineers have the best work on oil rigs says a survey. If people are searching for a job that is both exciting and really high paying at about $75,000+, why not think over becoming a Mud Engineer? As the protractedly growing of the industry demands Mud Engineers salaries are reaching new highs. If is needed ranking the oil rig jobs, Mud Engineers will always be on top of the… Continue reading »